Reconfirm and complete your personal information after you log in the system.
{{confirmed==0?'':'You had completed your personal information'}}If you can’t log in the system or your personal information is incorrect, please connect with the Division of International and Cross-strait Services.
Password is your student ID No. + the last 3 digits of your birthday(yyyymmdd) For example: your student ID No. is 0812345, and your birthday is 19911209, so your password is 0812345209.

National Chiao Tung University Notice and Letter of Consent for the Collection, Processing, and Usage of Personal Information

National Chiao Tung University (hereinafter referred to as the University) abides by Article 8 of the Personal Information Protection Act in notifying you and acquiring your consent when collecting, processing, and using your personal information. By checking [I agree], it means that you have read, understood, and agreed in accepting all the website’s contents.
I. The purpose of collecting personal information
    (I) The University collects your personal information for specific education administration, school usage, and education quality purposes.
    (II) After you provide your personal information to the University, the University will provide you with event notifications, information services, as well as learning and educational resources accordingly.
II. Personal information categories
The personal information collected by the University includes but is not limited to the following categories:
    (I) Identification of individuals: Name, Staff Number, Student Number, Title, Residence Telephone Number, Mobile Number, Contact and Household Address, Photo, Email and other forms of information that can identify individuals.
    (II) Identification of Finance: Account number of financial institute and name of the individual.
    (III) Identification of Governmental Information: National Identification Number, Tax Statement Number, Resident Certificate.
    (IV) Individual Description: Sex, Age, Date of Birth, Identity, Place of Birth, and Nationality.
III. Confidentiality of Personal Information
If your personal information is stolen, leaked, tampered with, or otherwise infringed because the University violates the “Personal Information Protection Act”, or due to natural disasters, coups or other irresistible forces, the University will notify you by phone, email, or internet announcements upon completion of investigation.
IV. Collection, Update and Retainment of Personal Information
    (I)The University will collect, process and use your personal information in accordance with the “Personal Information Protection Act” and other relevant regulations.
    (II) Certain information should be provided to you according to Article 8 of the “Personal Information Protection Act”, “VI. the influence on his rights and interests while the Party chooses not to provide his personal information”. Please provide accurate, up to date, and complete personal information. Should there be any changes in personal information, please apply to the University for an amendment. If the information you have provided is false, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or is misleading, your rights or interests may be negatively affected.
    (III)Based on article 3 of the “Personal Information Protection Act”, individuals can exercise the following rights regarding personal information: 1. Request the University to allow you to search, read, or make a copy of your personal information. The University is permitted to demand appropriate processing fees according to law. 2. You can require the University to supplement or correct your current personal information, but the propriety of which must be established by you according to the law. 3. Request the University to discontinue collection, processing, and use of your personal information, and demand that information be deleted. This does not apply to the University’s usage of your personal data in executing school affairs, as stated by law.
V. Time Period, Region, Party, and Usage Method of Personal Information
    (I) Period: The period for which the specific purpose for collecting your personal information remains, the period according to law or contracts, or the period for which the University needs for educational or administrative affairs.
    (II) Region: Taiwan
    (III) Party: The University and competent authorities
    (IV) Method: Used through automated machines or non-automated methods.
VI. The Effectiveness of “Agree”
    (I) When you check “I agree” on this website, it means you have read, understood, and agreed to accept all of the website’s contents.
    (II) In response to law amendments, the University reserves the right to make changes to this letter of consent so as to fulfill the responsibilities demanded by law.
VII. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The interpretation and application of the contents within this website and this Letter of Consent, as well as any disputes related to them, shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the R.O.C., and the Hsinchu District Court shall be the court of competent jurisdiction for the first instance.


Upload your digital ID Photo for the Registration system and making student ID Card:

Requirements of Digital ID Photo:
1. Head coverings are not permitted except for religious or medical reasons.
2. The photograph must show the subject facing square on and looking directly at the camera, with eyes open and clearly visible.If wear glasses, make sure that there are no reflections and eyes can be clearly seen.
3. The photo must be color neutral, plain background (preferably white).
4. The photo must measure 45 x 35 mm in size (1.77 inches long x 1.38 inches wide), and the format must be JPG. Photo of life is not acceptable.
5. Ensure the size of photo is more than 50kb.

Post Code
Post Code
Contact person
Post Code
個人過去病史:勾選本人曾患過的疾病 Medical History
If you are being treated for or recovering from any of the following or some other disease, please inform the medical personnel and also provide your medical records for the healthcare professional's references.
以下最多輸入五項,請用 "," 隔開
(Accept 3 Options, please use ',' to split diffrent Options)
癌症 Cancer
過敏 Allergy to
重大手術 Major surgery:
其他疾病 Other
心理或精神疾病 Psychological or mental illness
特殊疾病現況或應注意事項 Condition of specific ailments
幾週一次 How many week once 幾月一次 How many month once 幾年一次 hoe many year once
Holder of Catastrophic Illness Certificate-Category
(Accept 5 Options, please use ',' to split diffrent Options)
類別 Option
類別 Option
(Accept 3 Options, please use ',' to split diffrent Options)
家屬稱謂 Relative with hereditary disease
疾病名稱 Name of disease
生活型態 Life style
How much did you sleep during the past 7 days (not including weekends, or days off)
How many days did you eat breakfast during the past 7 days
幾天 days
(請輸入 1-6 , please keyin 1-6)
幾點吃 Every day at(time)
(請輸入 0-23 , please keyin 0-23)
During the past month (not including weekends. day's off, or winter or summer vacation), have you exercised three times a week for at least 30 minutes each time, and achieving a heartbeat rate of 130 bpm each time?
During the past month, did you smoke?
每天幾支 cigarettes per day
(請輸入 1-100 , please keyin 1-100)
During the past month, did you drink alcohol?
每天幾杯 glasses per day
(請輸入 1-100 , please keyin 1-100)
During the past month, did you chew betel quid?
每天幾粒 Lits per day
(請輸入 1-100 , please keyin 1-100)
Do you feel worried or depressed ?
Do you regularly feel chest discomfort ?
Do you regularly feel stomach discomfort ?
Do you regularly have headaches ?
Menstrual history(women only)
初經年齡 first period age
Bowel habits: During the past 7 days, how often did you defecate?
Internet use: During the past seven days (not including weekends, or days off), how many hours did you use the internet every day, apart from when doing homework or in class?
自我健康評估 Selfrated Health
For the past month, what do you think of your plıysical state?
For the past month, what do you think of you mental state?
Do you have any health-related probleins? Please describe:
體檢諮詢專線:03-5712121#51104 黃小姐
{{confirmed==0 ? 'Please review and reconfirm your personal information':''}}
Personal Information
Student ID No. {{stdData[0].std_code}}
Chinese name {{stdData[0].std_cname}}
English name {{stdData[0].std_ename}}
ID No./ARC No. {{stdData[0].std_pid}}
Gender {{stdData[0].std_sex}}
Birthday {{stdData[0].std_bdate}}
Nationality {{stdData[0].std_nation}}
College at NCTU {{stdData[0].aca_csname}}
Department/Institute at NCTU {{stdData[0].dep_depname}}
Enrollment Status {{stdData[0].std_schoolid}}
Contact Information
Permanent address in home country {{stdData[0].com_registerzip}} {{stdData[0].com_registeradd}}
Mailing address {{stdData[0].com_commzip}} {{stdData[0].com_commadd}}
Telephone No. {{stdData[0].com_phone}}
Cellphone No. {{stdData[0].com_cellphone}}
E-mail {{stdData[0].com_email}}
Contact person
Name {{item.con_cname}}
Relationship {{item.con_rel}}
Address {{item.con_zip}} {{item.con_address}}
Telephone No. {{item.con_phone}}
Cellphone No. {{item.con_cellphone}}

Please mark the checkbox if you confirm the information given is true, complete and accurate. Please click “Submit”.